Rebuilt Conference 2025!
Join hundreds of passionate Catholics at this
transformational parish renewal conference!
June 2-3, 2025 | Timonium, Maryland

Welcome to Rebuilt Parish
Rebuilding and Renewing the Local Catholic Parish
Rebuilt Parish is a parish renewal movement that is boldly impacting pastors and parish staff, providing them the process and tools they need to refocus on reaching the un-churched, creating a clear discipleship path to grow their church, and revitalizing their parish culture.
Beginning within our personal journey at our own home parish, we have developed a model to establish an engaged and growing local Catholic community. This growth continues in real-time as we develop new resources and tools to fulfill the mission God gave us: go make disciples.
Our Mission: Making Disciples by Helping Parishes Make Disciples
Pastors & Parish Staff:
It's time for your parish to grow and make disciples in your community!

The Rebuilt Coaches will guide
you every step of the way.

Parish Coaching
We believe that hands-on Coaching is the most effective way to bring about Parish transformation.
We'll meet you where you are right now and guide you along the way; aligning our Rebuilt Parish model with your parish's unique culture and mission.

Weekend Observations
Fresh Eyes; Real Insights. A Weekend Observation from Rebuilt gives your parish an outside perspective on what’s working—and what could be even better.
Our team visits, identifies quick wins and recommendations for lasting growth, assessing key areas of impact through the lens of the Rebuilt Anchors.

Rebuilt Community
A community of Pastors and parish leaders has emerged within Rebuilt, connecting those who are passionate about growing their parishes.
Join our weekly Workshops on parish renewal using the Rebuilt framework and spend time discussing shared experiences.
Rebuilt's Strategic Anchors

Create an Exceptional Weekend Experience
A great Mass experience takes people deeper in their faith and brings them back to your parish next week.
A great weekend experience includes stirring worship music, homilies which speak into people’s lives, energy and fellowship driven by servant ministers, inspiring kids & student programs, and everything done with excellence.
A great Mass is the bedrock of everything a Rebuilt parish does.
Grow Deeper - Challenge your Insiders
Encourage parishioners to go deeper in their faith by providing the ministries and systems to do so.
Communicate clearly how to take those next STEPS of discipleship.

Grow Wider - Welcome Outsiders
Build a culture which strives to serve those who have never come to church (un-churched) and those who have not been to church in a long time (de-churched).
That begins with hospitality and calling upon parishioners already coming to get up out of the pews and serve.
Build a Leadership Community
Your parish needs cohesive leadership teams at all levels of the parish to fulfill your Mission to make disciples. It begins with a Senior team that delegates to and empowers staff or senior volunteer ministers who then build ministry teams of empowered volunteers.

What our Partner Parishes are Saying...

" I've attended different kinds of leadership and management trainings in different sectors. But what I really appreciate about Rebuilt is, they have real parish experience. Other groups that I've worked with or learned from, they haven't implemented on a parish level. Having a group that has, and can help parishes with these struggles that we face so often, has been really helpful to me."
Fr. Charlie Garza
St. Albert the Great
Austin, TX

" By being involved in coaching, we've gained a sense of focus in everything that we are doing. Before it was day to day, we felt overwhelmed in everything, and we weren't making a difference. Now when we meet, we get to celebrate all of these wins, and it's exciting! At the end of the year we get to see all of these accomplishments, that maybe if we didn't have this guidance and direction, we never would have accomplished."
Analia, Pastoral Associate
St. John the Apostle
East Stroudsburg, PA

" Making change in a parish, trying to rebuild your parish is difficult work, and our coach is always encouraging us to move forward. The coach sort of moves us to better ground, gives us ideas. We're just coming into a time when we have created a three-year strategic plan, and this never would have happened without our coach helping us - he holds us accountable."
Fr. Roger Gustafson
St. Hilary
Tiburon, CA
Are You Ready to Grow and
Transform Your Parish?
Join the hundreds of local Catholic parishes across the country and around the world
who are working to build engaged, thriving, and faithful communities.